Apple, we all know this American multinational technology company, don’t we? Heck, some of us are reading this on an Apple product! Apple has been in the technological industry since 1976 after being founded by none other than Steve Jobs along with 2 other partners, Steve Wozniak and Ronal Wayne.
A good advertisement is a good product.
It was all going swimmingly well for Apple, new products launched, sales boosted, and then they announced this bombshell. Apple’s new update, will essentially priorities privacy for its users. Users will now receive a pop-up banner which would warn the user that the specific app is tracking their data for the purpose of advertising and provides the user the option to block it. All seems well right? But there’s a problem.
This policy comes off a blow towards small scale businesses because customized and personalized advertisements will no longer be possible with a block on data.

Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) represent 90% of the businesses globally! SMEs also account for 50% of employment and 77% of these SMEs focus on expanding on social networks using digital marketing however this is tougher than ever before with the new policy from Apple damaging the SMEs opportunities.
Apple clearly seems to be thinking differently here, but is it the correct difference? Although the update was to roll in September, after many complaints Apple has decided to delay the release to early fall of next year giving time for SMEs to ‘ think different ’. Some have been extremely vociferous by ranting on this change in claiming that this policy is to the ecosystem of SMEs. Facebook has given a clear statement on its stand against the Apple policy stating “We disagree with Apple’s approach and solution, yet have no choice but to show Apple’s prompt”, albeit Facebook disagrees they will have to abide by their policies to avoid being removed from the app store and in turn hurting over 10 million SMEs using the platform.
At brax we have always stood in solidarity with SMEs and we too will be taking a stand against the policies of Apple. Do let us know where you stand by tagging us on Instagram or Facebook!